Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin: Richard Gilbert,…
U.S. Update News September 2000
Unless you have made arrangements to purchase your diskettes, please return your “August disks” ONLY AFTER you have successfully installed this September 2000 Update. August disks are your backup in case you should have problems installing the September edition.
Before switching to updates by Internet we require that you complete a special addendum to the license agreement called the “Internet Update Endorsement”. Once you return that to us we will send you the “Internet Master Disk” which you will need to be able to process the “MONTHLY.CMP” file that you will then be downloading each month.
If you want to switch over to Internet monthly updates, please call our office at (800) 798-3488. Our staff will send you the Internet Update Endorsement.
But first: what is happening? When the problem occurs, our domain names, and suddenly stop working.
Please note: our own software, which we have placed on the Internet webservers (our web provider’s computers), is NOT the problem. In fact, when our domain names fail, we are still able to access our webservers; we can upload and download files. The problem is that the Internet user is told by the Internet that the domain name isn’t working. To put it in language you might understand better, the caller hears the phone ringing but the person on the other end doesn’t know it’s ringing. It’s like having your phone unplugged.
The folks who are hosting our web services confirm that the problem is on their end. The software on their computers, which processes the domain names hosted on their computers, is the component that is failing.
However, the computer that Network Solutions is sending the request to must know which domain name has been requested simply because that computer could be serving far more than just one customer/domain name. As I said before, it is the domain name software on our hosting company’s computer that is causing this problem. When the software fails it’s not just our domain names which fail. There are at least five other companies/people who are on that same computer who also lose their domain name connections.
Fixing the problem is simple. Our web provider simply restores the domain name address software and information from their tape backups. Once that is done, and the system is re-booted, the domain names are up and running.
Our web provider claims that this problem is not occurring at other times during the week. One can theorize as to what is causing the domain name software to get “hit”, but the important thing is to stop it from interrupting the service that we provide.
Apart from this problem, our web provider has given us good service. However, this recurring weekend failure has become more and more routine. We have decided that the only alternative is to change our hosting arrangements and services.
Given the problems that we have had with the main server in Waterloo, Canada ( and we have now taken the time and trouble to set up a mirror copy of our Term4Sale and Compulife services on webservers in Texas. The website address for those sites are and respectively. You will find is a copy of the services at, and is a copy of the services at
Having told you about the .net addresses, please understand that I want you to forget the .net addresses. Another company acquired and that company is in no way connected to this company and so, please, forget about .net when you think of Compulife.
The .cc domain names offer two ways to connect that domain name to a website. The first is the traditional method, which is a direct connection in the same way that the .com domain name works.
Please note: on any given day the will be updated with changes first, and will be updated after. Therefore, it would be better to first check with in case you hit us at the same time as an update is being put on the web.
For those doing monthly updates, be advised that the same web page address for your monthly updates at, will now work at Those same web page addresses also work at Our fourth server will only be activated if all others fail.
Web forwarding permits Compulife to instantly re-direct a request from one server to another. The downside of webforwarding is that the service is provided by the .cc domain name folks free of charge, in exchange for a banner ad which is displayed when the page is forwarded. While that may appear to be our advertising it is actually the advertising of the .cc domain name folks which is how they make money on the whole concept. I think it’s a very good business idea and, as long as the ads aren’t offensive, we like the ability to instantly re-direct flow. If the site fails, for whatever reasons, we can just switch it to the other site. The user won’t know what happened.
In the future, when we promote term4sale, we intend to direct people to which will connect to one of the two term4sale websites, and which can be re-directed if the need be. Most consumers who hear and remember the domain name will likely try the .com version first, which is great, because we own that too. Please note that we are doing all we can to ensure that you have uninterrupted web service from Compulife.
The balance of the two year registration can be yours. Would you care to start with a bid of $100. Would anyone else like to offer that? Do I hear higher bids?
Compulife will not include the newest Windows version with the September edition of program. The latest version will be made available to subscribers as the “UPDATE3.CMP” file at our mid-month update page. Anyone wanting that is welcome to download the UPDATE3.CMP file and try the new Windows comparison program.
We are breaking this release into two steps to ensure that the support calls generated by the new version do not swamp our telephone support capability. Further, if other bugs and problems show up when we do a more mass distribution, we know that those who have the ability to update monthly by Internet, also have the ability to use this mid-month update facility.
Finally, the free month offer for being the first to find a rate error stands. This means that if you use the new Windows program, and find a rate quotation mistake, you get a free month for being first to report it.