Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin: Upgrading Language…
Update News for September 2006
Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin:
Compulife Forms Library
Some Useful Information About our Forms Library
Give Us Your Feedback
Help Us Add More Companies and Get a FREE PDA!
Compulife Forms Library For Life Companies
FREE PDA software for Life Companies
QuickerQuoter now on Palm and Windows Mobile
Historical CD – Compulife from the Past
General Agencies – How About a FREE PDA Contest?
Got a Big Meeting Coming Up? How About a FREE PDA Contest?
Try a Used Palm FREE for 30 Days
FREE PDA Insurance Quote Button
What’s Next for Compulife
Next Monthly Update
These topics will be dealt with in more detail throughout this bulletin.
Banner Life Insurance
Jefferson Pilot Life
Jefferson Pilot Life (NY)
Pruco Life Insurance
Pruco Life Insurance of New Jersey
Reliastar Life Insurance Company
Reliastar Life Insurance Company of NY
William Penn Life Insurance
Here are some important notes on using these forms in Compulife:
a) The forms in Compulife ARE THE COMPANY FORMS. They are the property of the life companies. You must not edit or monkey with them – unless they are fillable forms which are intended for data input.
b) You will need to electronically sign an agreement for each company. You must agree that you are entitled to use the forms. If you are not appointed by the company, DO NOT USE THAT COMPANY’S FORMS. If you do, and a company complains about you, you can lose your subscription to Compulife.
c) The descriptions of the forms, the order of the forms on our list, and the states where we list the forms ARE THE WORK OF COMPULIFE. We are wide open to suggestions about descriptions and order on the page. We would like to standardize description on a cross company basis. If you see a description that is complicated, let us know. In many cases the descriptions we have used are the descriptions that the companies themselves provided.
d) We currently have 3 groupings of forms:
- these appear first and in white. These have to do with the sale of new policies typically found in Compulife.
SERVICE – forms used to service existing policies
OTHER – forms related to product lines not in Compulife, such as Long Term Care, Annuities, etc.
Other groupings can be added. We are wide open to suggestions.
e) Most of the functions related to forms are self-explanatory. There are two notable items:
- The Open Forms and Print Forms buttons communicate to Windows which then calls upon whatever PDF file program you use. We have done our testing with Adobe reader and that is working well. If you are using something else, and are having problems, let us know.
The “Save Default” button is by company by state. If you have a particular combination of forms that you like to use, you can check off that group of forms and save that list as a default. The next time you return to that company/state forms list that group will already be checked. If on that particular visit you don’t want that group, use the “Clear All Checks” button to erase the group of checks and select again from scratch. Your defaults will not be changed unless you click on the Save Defaults button.
As the forms are being downloaded from the web a small blue line will indicate progress. The bigger the form, the slower the line because of the slower download performance. After you have displayed the forms, close the individual forms.
Now try the same group again. This time they will appear instantly. Why? Because those forms are now ON YOUR COMPUTER, in your local forms library. All our system did the second time was to check the date associated with the form on your computer, with the date in our forms library listing. Once the program confirmed that the form(s) was still current, the form was instantly pulled from your library. In the future, if the form on your computer turns out to be older than the one on our web server, the system will pull down the new form and replace the one on your computer.
In June Compulife introduced our new QuickerQuoter software. This version of our quote software is able to quote the products for one company (or affiliated group of companies).
IMPORTANT: QuickerQuoter comes complete with PDA quoting software. This means life companies can give FREE PDA quoting software to their agents. That PDA software will run on either Palm or Windows Mobile devices.
QuickerQuoter and the PDA software is FREE to any life company which agrees to provide us with forms. Updates are also FREE if the life company keeps us updated with the latest forms.
Please pass that message along to your favourite life companies. If you can help us convince them to provide us with their forms, you will get a FREE Palm Zire 31 PDA package which we normally retail for $99 U.S. The Palm Zire 31 package will let you update and run Compulife on the Palm.
What we will be able to provide companies is the updated forms list for their products together with a program which will access that list for their own agents. Those forms can then be downloaded from the company’s own website and maintained on the agent’s computer. As it will for Compulife, this will save the company money in download costs, and will give agents faster access to forms they have used before.
Companies wanting more information on that are welcome to call Bob Barney at (888) 798-3488.
We have now introduced Palm and Windows Mobile versions of QuickerQuoter. Given that most life insurance companies have no PDA software of any kind, we think this should be a hit.
IMPORTANT: The PDA and Windows Mobile QuickerQuoter is FREE to any life insurance company that wants it but there is a “catch”. Here’s the catch: we need the life company to provide us with their forms.
- April 1990 – United States
- December 1986 – Canada
We are offering either CD to current Compulife subscribers for $99. Life insurance companies, who provide us with their forms, can purchase either CD for $49.
The way that the CD works is that you identify the appropriate zip file on the CD, then open it using winzip (freeware compression software). Once you do, you simply extract the files to a folder of your choice.
DO NOT unzip the files into your current \COMPLIFE folder!
Once that is completed, you open the folder and run the GOWIN program (or GO program depending on the vintage). The program has already been serialized with a licensee name that identifies the historical time period from which it comes.
You will find this CD particularly useful in servicing existing clients. Life companies will find it helpful to plot trends in pricings. It will also prove helpful for those dealing with the media.
How About a FREE PDA Contest?
The idea is for the General Agency to do an e-mail blast to their agent/brokers advising the brokers that they can obtain 4 months of Compulife for FREE by taking the Dare to Compare Challenge. Each agent who requests a FREE trial of Compulife and completes the Dare to Compare Challenge will be entered into the FREE draw for the Zire 31 plus the FREE year of Compulife. That in addition to getting 4 months of Compulife for FREE.
What’s the catch – NO catch.
In fact here’s the best part for the GA. For each agent/broker who does the Dare to Compare Challenge, the GA will received $10 off their next purchase of Compulife. If 30 agents enter the contest, next year’s software will be free. Is there any downside to this deal? None that we can see.
How About a FREE PDA Contest?
1. You will get up and do a short 5 minute commercial for Compulife in your meeting. We’ll give you the PDA in advance of the meeting, and you will be able to talk about Compulife using it.
2. You will provide Compulife with a list of agents and their e- mail addresses who were entered into the draw.
In return for this, will provide a Palm Zire 31 and a FREE year of Compulife to the winner of your draw.
As an added bonus for those in attendance, we will send each person in the meeting a 30 day FREE trial of Compulife – that’s why we need their name and e-mail address. If more than a dozen people complete the Dare to Compare Challenge, in order to obtain 4 FREE months of Compulife, that second group will be entered into a second contest for the same Zire 31 and FREE year of Compulife. That’s gives your attendees the potential of two Zire 31 prizes for your meeting. Both winners will receive a FREE year of Compulife and if the person is already a Compulife subscriber, that’s a FREE additional 12 months to their existing subscription.
You can order a Palm from Compulife and you do not have to pay for 30 days.
MORE IMPORTANT: If you wish to return the equipment at the end of 30 days, you will receive a full credit including the original shipping charge.
If you don’t believe us when we say that the Palm is a great prospecting tool, this is your chance to find out. Get the Palm and carry it with you for 30 days. If it is of no use to you just return it for a full credit.
1. You are responsible for the cost of returning the PDA and/or accessories.
2. The Palm LCD screen must not be “broken”. In other words, don’t drop the Palm and make sure you pack it carefully when you return it.
3. This offer is subject to availability of Palms. Currently we have only about 125 units in stock and so this offer will be based upon first come, first served.
Folks this is simple. You put on the button and carry your PDA with you. The idea is that you don’t talk about insurance, you get asked about insurance. The following pin is FREE to any subscriber who asks for it:
The pin comes with a money back guarantee. If it doesn’t work we’ll take it back for a full refund; just kidding; it’s FREE!
When you click on “quote product” a list of companies will appear. When you locate and click on the company that you want, a list of the products for that company will appear. When you click on the product, the single product display will appear. This will be the same screen that appears when you click on a product in the comparison results.
Once that is working we will enhance the single product display to give you more information about the individual product. You will be able to view all the modal premium options, the various health categories/premiums, etc.
For those doing monthly updates by Internet, we rely on three other web sites to supply monthly updates. These are automatically checked and used by our automatic Internet update software.
The disk update will be processed Friday, September 29th and the disks will be shipped on that day. You should have the disk update by Monday, October 2nd.
We would encourage you not to wait until December 2006 to make this change. Not only will you eliminate the expense and hassle of returning disks, it costs less to get updates by Internet.
To switch to Internet monthly updates, go to our web page and select the second menu choice “Application/License Agreements” Under the section “Application / License Agreements” you will need to select and complete a new License Agreement for the type of license that you have. Indicate on the application form, under “payment option”, that this is a “CHANGE“. After you have printed the new application agreement, please read it, especially the part where you agree that you have successfully downloaded and processed our “mid-month updates”. If you haven’t done that before, call us and we’ll be happy to step you through the procedure. It’s easy.