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Update News for October 2024

Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin:

    • Put This Date On Your Calendar – Term4Sale

    • You Should At Least Have 4 Local Zip Codes

    • Term4Sale Listings Do NOT Work for Everyone

    • Term4Sale is NOT the ONLY Place Consumers Go

    • Our Current Programming Plans for 2024

These topics will be dealt with in more detail throughout this bulletin.

Put This Date On Your Calendar – Term4Sale
You need to mark this date and time in your calendar, it’s important.

November 4, 2024, 12pm EST.

Once every year we offer Compulife subscribers who participate at Term4Sale a “bump week”. If you have taken advantage of this opportunity before, you may still want to pay attention as it was not that long ago that Compulife gave you the opportunity to increase your number of local zip codes from 3 to 4 (6 to 8 for agency/standard subscribers).

Local zip codes have two key benefits:

    • 1. Lower cost ($12 per year instead of $21; no change in prices for 2025)
    2. The ability to push out (bump) those in your local area (20 mile radius). You can only bump subscribers who are not located in that same local area but purchased that zip code in your local area because it was vacant and unused by a local subscriber.

Compulife subscribers can purchase ANY available zip code in ANY state in which they are licensed to sell life insurance. To find out which zip codes are available you need to use a tool that we have built that we call the:

If you have NOT used the Zip Code Analyzer before, enter the zip code in which you are located and press the ENTER key on your keyboard. In the spreadsheet that appears, the first column tells you the current number of listed subscribers in that zip code. If the number is three, then the zip code is FULL and you can’t buy a listing there. That is where bump week can change that for you.

If you are within 20 miles of that zip code, and one or more of the three people listed in that zip code are not using that as a local zip code listing, then you can use one of your local zip codes to bump them out.

NOTE:   If you do bump them out that does NOT take place until January 2025. People who pay for “additional zip codes” ($21 per year) own a zip codes until the end of the respective year in which they made the purchase.

If you own an additional zip code, only two things can remove you from that zip code:

    • 1. You were bumped out by a subscriber who qualifies and claims it as local.
    2. You fail to pay your subscription renewal for that zip code listing.

If you own a local zip code, you cannot be bumped from it unless you move more than 20 miles from that zip code. In some cases people with local zip codes, such as an agency subscriber who has 8 local zip codes and another 8 because they bought a second license, can’t really make use of all their local zip codes within 20 miles. If that is the case, we let you still use the cheaper $12 zip code listing in any state you are licensed to sell insurance, and we call that zip code a “bonus”. “Local” protects you from being bumped, “bonus” does not. Bonus is just an additional zip code at a lower cost to you.

IMPORTANT:   We ONLY assign local and bonus status to a zip code if YOU specifically request it. Make sure you are taking advantage of all your discounted zip code options.

To find out what your current zip code list is, and the status of each of your zip codes, request a PDF list of your zip codes by emailing:

NOTE:   You do NOT have to wait until bump week to change the status of zip codes you already own.

You only wait for bump week because you want a zip code that is currently full. If you are wondering about the status of a particular zip code, and want to know if there are any subscribers who can be bumped from that zip code, you need to call us for that information. You can reach either of us at:

Jeremiah: (800) 798-3488
Bob: (888) 798-3488

We both have access to the database that tells us the status of each of the three subscribers currently listed. Remember, if there are NOT 3 people listed, then that zip code is available NOW.

WARNING:   After we issue additional zip code renewal invoices for 2025 (these are sent November 15th) the zip code list is FROZEN until Monday, January 6, 2025 at 12pm EST.

The reason that the list is frozen until then is because every subscriber has the right to keep their zip codes by paying their renewal which is sent on or about November 15, 2024. The deadline for paying the renewal is Friday, January 3, 2025. Some like to take the expense in the following year, rather than the current year.

IMPORTANT:   Unpaid zip code renewals on January 3rd mean those zip codes become available to ANY subscriber to purchase on January 6th.

You Should At Least Have 4 Local Zip Codes
If you have NO zip code listings at you should at least be using your local listings.

NOTE:   Only a subscriber to Compulife’s PC version of the quoting system is allowed to purchase zip codes at term4sale.

It is possible to purchase a subscription to a product we call “Compulife Mobile” which is only $110 per year (versus $215 for the PC version).

Compulife Mobile is a web based product that will run on any device with a browser including a PC or a Mac. It is less expensive than the PC software because it has and does less. And because the PC version of Compulife INCLUDES a FREE copy of Compulife Mobile, the PC version is only $105 more than the Mobile version. That means Mobile subscribers can upgrade to our better quoting tool for just $105 more per year. If they do then they have the opportunity to participate at

NOTE:   One of our future development goals, after introduction of the new CQS.EXE program (to eventually replace GOWIN.EXE), is to make our Mobile version much more like our PC version. As that happens the price for the Mobile edition will increase. We may offer two variations, Mobile and Mobile Plus, to keep a less expensive (current) Mobile edition for our penny pinching customers. Regardless, PC subscribers will continue to have FREE access to the BEST Mobile version we offer, as it becomes available.

Here’s why I believe 4 local zip codes should be a no-brainer.

First, the lower cost. $48 per year gets you 4 local zip code listings.

Second, and MORE important, the Zip Code Warranty. Our warranty is very simple. We warranty that for every 3 zip code listings you have you will receive at least one email contact from term4sale that year. If you do NOT have an email contact, then your renewal cost for those 3 zip codes is waived for the following year.

If you have 30 zip codes, the warranty guarantees you will get 10 emails (each unique – NO BOGUS).

NOTE:   If you receive what you believe is a BOGUS term4sale email, notify us immediately. We will investigate and determine if that is the case. If it is, we will move that email (for all 3 subscribers) from our inventory of that year’s term4sale emails. It is that inventory of emails that we use to audit the accounts of those who request such an audit at the end of the year.

If you have 30 zip codes, and you only have 5 emails (determined from the requested audit at the end of the year), then a credit is issued against your renewal invoice. You will be charged for only 15 zip codes and you would keep all 30 zip codes for the following year.

Here’s why 4 is a no-brainer: we round UP the expected number of emails. Even though the warranty would say you should get 1.33 emails (if you have 4 zip codes), we round that number up to 2. So, 4 local zip codes means we warranty that you get 2 emails. If you get only one email, then you get a credit of $36 against your next renewal for the 4 zip codes. You would pay $12 to keep all 4 zip codes another year. It’s hard to imagine how you lose on that deal.

Term4Sale Listings Do NOT Work for Everyone
Having said it is hard to imagine how you lose on that deal, not all subscribers who have had zip codes have found them profitable. You must keep in mind that you are one of three subscribers listed in a zip code which means you are competing with two other subscribers for any given consumer that has sent you an email.

Some subscribers complain they want “exclusive” listings. Such a thing is NOT available, and if that is what you want/need, then term4sale is NOT for you.

Term4sale may not be for you if you receive an email and respond to that contact a day later. You can almost be certain that the person will have already talked to one of the two other Compulife subscribers by that point (probably both) and that the business has already been written. I would not ignore still contacting the consumer but your chance of getting the business is much less likely. Something will have had to go wrong with the other subscribers attempts to make the sale for you to get anything a day later.

Some subscribers literally RACE to respond to that email contact. Many have come up with ingenious ways to make certain that the contact email is acted upon almost immediately and they have gotten quite good at doing so.

Frankly, that is what we want at Compulife. We want a consumer who visits term4sale, and who says they want an agent to contact them, to be served virtually immediately. I don’t want to sound cold, but from our perspective, it doesn’t matter which of our 3 subscribers gets the business. What matters is that the business goes to someone who is a Compulife subscriber. If it does, then that subscriber is going to be happy because they made money working with Compulife, and that means they will keep being a subscriber for a very long time.

And based upon these reviews, we have a lot of happy subscribers:

NOTE:   If you have NOT done a review of Compulife, we would sincerely appreciate you sharing your thoughts on Capterra.

I say that knowing that most Compulife subscribers want to keep their use of Compulife a big secret. If you were in World War 2, and you had an F-16 fighter jet, you wouldn’t exactly want everyone else knowing you had an F-16 fighter jet or they would be doing everything they could to get their hands on the same technology. You would do whatever you could to keep that away from your competition.

Given that, and the time it takes for someone to actually write a review, I know it’s easy to just NOT do it. Having said that, to the 60 subscribers who had done so at one time or another, OUR sincere thanks.

And you indirectly benefit because the more subscribers we have, the more revenue we have. That means we have more to invest in further development of our technology and we are in a much better position to keep our prices (YOUR costs) lower.

If you do write a review, email us and let you know you did so.

We will want to read what you wrote.

Term4Sale is NOT the ONLY Place Consumers Go
IMPORTANT:   It is very important to realize that consumers shopping for life insurance on the internet are visiting many websites, not just one.

Our hope and objective is that if they visit term4sale they will be impressed at the ease of use and volume of information and use our agent contact system to talk to our subscribers. FAST service from a subscriber raises the opportunity you will get the business which indirectly benefits Compulife because you are buying our software and those listings.

And I know response times from many other websites are NOT that impressive. From time to time, in chasing down and investigating other quoting websites (for very reasons) I am forced to put in my contact information in order to run a quote. Sometimes I use my genuine name, email and phone number. It can take a lot of time before I am finally contacted from someone at the site. If I was a genuine insurance prospect, that’s not impressive.

Our Current Programming Plans for 2024
The following is the current order for new work that we will be doing in 2024:

      • Introduction of New PC Version: CQS.EXE.
      • Overhaul Of Current Product Data Files.
    • Introduction of Compulife Mobile* Plus (with Pick 12).

Anyone with questions about any of these upcoming projects can call Bob Barney to discuss:

(888) 798-3488

Please don’t email me essay questions, just call. If I’m not in, email me your phone number, I’ll call you.

These planned objectives will easily consume our programming time during the balance of this year and throughout 2024. The good news is that once the product data files have been converted, and we have introduced the new CQS.EXE, and upgraded our internet engine to use the new data files, Compulife will be turning its full attention to our web based, Compulife Mobile software. The long term goal is to have a web based product that does everything our PC based software does.


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