Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin: Richard Gilbert,…

Update News for October 2009
If you read no other bulletin, READ THIS ONE!
SPECIAL Discounts and opportunities
You’ll be sorry if you miss these one time offers
Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin:
Subscription Specials – THREE – 3 for 1 offers
Option 1 – Subscription Split – Retail Buyers
Option 2 – Subscription Split – For Bulk Buyers
Option 3 – Three for One Offer to New Subscribers
The Deadline is FIRM – October 31, 2009
You’ll be Sorry If you Miss This Deal
Latest Internet Engine is now Available
A Number of Looks and Styles to Choose From
Income and Retirement Calculators
Compulife Forms Library
More No Lapse UL Variations
Almost Done – New Service for On-Line PDA/Phones
Making Subscription Renewal Installations Easier
What’s Next?
These topics will be dealt with in more detail throughout this bulletin.
THREE – 3 for 1 offers
For example, if you normally pay $199 per year for Compulife, you can cut that to $66.33 if you act before October 31, 2009. The deadline is FIRM.
Consider this an experiment to see whether our subscribers would like to have us lower our overall price structure. If we can triple the number of our subscribers, we think we could seriously revise our prices downward. If we can double it, we can still revise, but not as much. This month you get to vote by using your feet.
So that everyone is all on the same page, these special offers are all about adding new subscribers to Compulife. A new subscriber is defined as any agency or individual who was not a paying subscriber to Compulife during 2008 or 2009. If you are an existing subscriber to Compulife, you can participate in the discounts by “Splitting Your Subscription”.
During September we sent emails to all retail subscribers announcing a “Subscription Split”. You can read about the Subscription Split by clicking on this link:
- You can give a duplicate of your subscription to one or two others, FOR FREE!
- Charge your two “splitees” whatever you want – that’s between you and them
- They get the balance of your subscription period
- They get there own subscription including free agent listings on
- You can find out how long you are currently paid by clicking on “Help” then “About”
- Extend your subscription for all three, by adding as many as 3 more years at the normal, annual, retail rate for one subscription *
* May not be combined with other discounts/offers
If an agency wishes, it can double those values by splitting to individual agents – in essence adding sub-user agents which are normally $139 per year, or $99 per year for 10 or more agents.
So if you are an agency, you can give personal use copies of your software to up to 4 of your agents, and their subscriptions are paid for as long as your current subscription. Yes, as described on the Subscription Split web page, you can add as many as 3 more years to your subscription by paying $299 per year, and all of your splitees will have their subscriptions extended to the same expiration date as you.
Remember, you can only do this for agents who have not been subscribers to Compulife during 2008/2009.
If you are already a bulk buyer of Compulife, you can also split each sub-user you have ONCE (not twice). So, if you currently have 10 sub-users, you can now have 20 sub-users by splitting each of the 10 once. Each new sub-user gets a subscription equal to the time remaining on the sub-user that you split. Yes, you can extend the sub-user subscriptions by paying for up to 3 more years at the discounted rate.
- You are an agency with 10 existing sub-users. You are currently paying $99 each per year for each of those agents. Your subscriptions for those agents all come due in March 2010. You decided to split the 10, but before you do you decided to pay $990 times 2, to add 2 years to the existing agent subscriptions. That means you now have 20 sub-agents, each of whom have effectively cost you $49.50 per year until March 2012.
If you were not a paying subscriber to Compulife during 2008/2009, you can buy one subscription and get two free. Of course the correct way to do this is to go find two other agents, and combine your money with their money so that you can each get Compulife for 1/3 the normal price. If you can only find one other person, then you each get the software for 1/2 the normal price.
And if those new subscribers want to extend the deal, they can buy up to 3 years at the normal annual price – effectively locking in the discount for three years. At the end of the split period, each of the three can continue at Compulife’s normal retail prices that are available at that time.
Sub-users of agencies, who are already receiving discounts as a result of their agency’s bulk purchase, can also extend their subscription for up 3 years by telling 3 of their friends about this deal. If those three friends get together and buy a new subscription, then the 12, 24 or 36 months are added to the sub-user’s subscription for FREE.
Agencies may also add additional sub-users, at their normal sub-user discount, on the basis of a two for one and may extend those subscriptions up to 3 years by paying in advance. So in the example above, where the agency split 10 existing sub-users to twenty, they can also add an additional 10 by paying for 5.
We are happy to send a trial to ANYONE you think may wish to join with you in this offer. You can request that trial by clicking on the following link:
So, you can effectively get a lower price by participating in this offer, and if enough subscribers do that, then you can look forward to lower future costs for Compulife.
The new engine now supports the new categories and category system which we have added to our software. So if you want to add the new categories you will need the new engine.
We have also built into the engine a number of new functions that we think you will find very useful. Details about those new functions will be in the engine package that we will send to you in October. If you want it sooner, and not later, please send an email request to:
The first option is that you can choose the look and feel of your comparison results page. This is NOT something that you will let a user do on their web site, it is a choice/decision that will be predetermined for the web site. Once that is set users of the site will see what you selected.. Our Sample site is designed as a place where you can play with the various styles on the fly.
You can play with the web versions of these calculators which we have set up on the Sample Web page. Here is that link again:
- 6. New Categories Added
September 24th – Our thanks to West Coast and Protective Life who met our challenge to provide no lapse UL premiums for a “to age 65, 70 and 75” scenario. We said that if we got such rates, we would move forward and add “to age 100” and “to age 105” categories.
But West Coast and Protective went above and beyond the call of duty and provided us with a complete range of additional level coverage options in between and above. We have responded by adding all of them to our categories. Here is the complete list of new categories.
- Age 80 Level Guaranteed
- Age 85 Level Guaranteed
- Age 90 Level Guaranteed
- Age 95 Level Guaranteed
- Age 100 Level Guaranteed
- Age 105 Level Guaranteed
- Age 110 Level Guaranteed
You will notice in the category list, these all follow the term categories:
- Age 65 Level Guaranteed
- Age 70 Level Guaranteed
- Age 75 Level Guaranteed
The reason is quite simple. It is possible for your client to outlive the coverage, as the guaranteed premium/coverage ends at the age specified. Policies in the new categories do NOT become paid up at the age specified, they effectively lapse – or at least the guarantee does. So if you sell the age 90 no lapse variation, the guaranteed premium/coverage is gone at 90. If your client is still alive, the policy is over, or will cost a great deal more.
If you are selling these policies to your clients, speculating that your client WILL die before the benefit is paid, then your speculation may backfire. The only way certain to ensure that your client is going to have guaranteed coverage for life, is to go to age 121. And it is surprising how many 121 plans are highly competitive when you select the “pay to 100” option.
Having said all that, premiums are clearly less expensive for ages 100 and 105 and it appears a number of agents, and a number of companies, are recommending these premium/guarantee solutions. While we don’t think it is good idea to speculate about how long you may live (as an outside number), it is not our place to do anything other than warn that your mileage (or in this case mortality) may vary.
And now that we have introduced these new categories, we are more than happy to work with other companies to get their no lapse UL products into those categories.
As I like to say to companies:
And on a final note, Nationwide Life had also given us rates to age 100 and those are in that new category.
We continue to work on some significant improvements to this existing service that will allow you to enhance and personalize the on-line service. That personalized version of the service will be FREE and part of your subscription to Compulife.
Once the new upgraded service is available, the above link will cease offering quotes and will offer an application form that lets you apply to have your FREE personalized PDA/phone version created just for you. Once you complete that brief application, Compulife will click a button in our database which will email you a link for your new PDA/phone quote system.
The difference between the generic service that is currently available, and the new service that is coming, is that the new PDA/phone service will be personalized for each subscriber. You will have one web address that is your web address for doing quotes (your personal use – it is NOT intended to be a web site that you let other people use). The web pages and quote format are being specifically designed for the “small screen” of your PDA/phone.
You will also have a second web address that will let you select the companies that you want to include in your quotes.
Some new features will also be available with the improved new service. One of the feature we think you will really like is the ability to quote annual and monthly premiums at the same time.
Once again, your personal PDA/phone web address will be for your use ONLY. Functions in the software will report to us if multiple users are hitting your PDA/phone web page. If it is determined that such is the case, then your site will be disconnected,. Needless to say, if we do google searches and find links to these web sites, that will also cause them to be taken down.
If you want a public web site, that anyone can use, then you need to purchase our internet engine or talk to one of our authorized web providers which can add quotes to you web site for as little as $99 per year. Those are the options we have provided for public web quoting and you can also set up PDA web quotes for multiple agents using those options.
Further, having reviewed where we are heading over the next few years, and the changes that we would like to be able to make in the future, we have decided to stop and do a much more extensive overhaul than simply changing our data entry software. We have determine that we would also like to implement a better data storage structure that will make maintenance easier on both a data entry basis, as well as a programming basis.
To achieve our goals in this regard, we will be spending a fair bit of time reviewing our new data storage needs, and then building conversion software that will convert our existing data files into our new data file structure. Once we have done that, we will then introducing new comparison software that does exactly what it does now, but which derives its results from the new data structure. In other words, you will end up with a new program that does exactly what the old program did/does.
Once this first stage is completed, we will have both old program and old data, with new program and new data. Moving forward we will use the old data entry systems to maintain the old version, then converting old data to the new data forms for general distribution.
The next stage is to create the new data entry systems that talk to the new data format. Once we are satisfied that the new data entry system give us everything that we have now, we will then switch to the new data structure alone. We will only do this once we have thoroughly tested the new software to ensure it gives us no problems in maintaining the date. This may take several months. As far as the part you use, by the time we make that transition, you will have been using the new software for several months.
The point of sharing this with you is that the process will be quite lengthy and so from this fall throughout most of 2009, you will not be seeing many changes and improvements to the software that you use, even though the underlying foundation will be going through a massive change. Once the foundation has been reconstructed, and all the tools to work on the foundation have been built, the program will be in a position to make some substantial moves forward.
Think of it as transplant surgery, where you need to keep the patient alive and well, at the same time as you are swapping out the organs.