Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin: Richard Gilbert,…

Update News for March 2006
Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin:
One SD Card – Works on Palm and Windows Mobile
PDA Comparisons – The Perfect Prospecting Tool
PDA Software Installation is EASY
Get an SD Card and Adapter for ONLY $25
Try a Used Palm FREE for 30 Days
What’s Next for Compulife
QuickerQuoter Will Then Follow
Internet Forms Library
PDA Sale Story Contest
Next Monthly Update
These topics will be dealt with in more detail throughout this bulletin. We would encourage you to read on.
If you say, “But I don’t have a PDA!”, then Compulife can provide you with a PDA for ONLY $99. Heck, I remember when calculators cost more and that’s back when a dollar was a dollar.
To get Compulife on the PDA Compulife’s software on your PC updates an SD card using an adapter. The SD card can then be put in either a Palm or Windows Mobile PDA and will work in both.
If you do not have an SD card and card adapter you can obtain those from Compulife for only $25.
If you do not have a PDA, Compulife will give you a Palm PDA to try for 30 days. There is no obligation to purchase. Complete details can be found further down on in this page.
Remember, we’re only talking about a one time cost of $99 to have a PDA that runs Compulife.
People like seeing the PDA insurance comparisons. It is quite a novelty. If you don’t believe me it’s because you haven’t tried it. On numerous occasions I have pulled out my PDA and asked someone if they want to see what I can do with it. No one objects. I then enter their age, sex, etc. and run a comparison. Most are very impressed and no one has been offended, NO ONE! The reason is simple, people think it’s neat.
You go to Compulife’s “Install Next Update” function, select the “Update Palm SD Card” option, and the update is transferred to the card in about 20 seconds. Put the card in your PDA and you are ready to go! Updates are just as simple.
You can order a Palm from Compulife and you do not have to pay for 30 days.
MORE IMPORTANT: If you wish to return the equipment at the end of 30 days, you will receive a full credit including the shipping charge.
If you don’t believe us when we say the Palm is a great prospecting tool, this is your chance to find out. Get the Palm and carry it with you for 30 days. If it is of no use to you just return it.
1. You are responsible for the cost of returning the PDA and/or accessories.
2. The Palm LCD screen must not be “broken”. In other words, don’t drop the Palm and make sure you pack it carefully when you return it.
3. This offer is subject to availability of Palms. Currently we have about 40 units in stock and we continue to add as we are able but if there is a run on units, it will be first come, first served.
When you click on “quote product” a list of companies will appear. When you locate and click on the company you want, a list of the products for that company will appear. When you click on the product, the single product display will appear. This will be the same screen that appears when you click on a product in the comparison results.
Once that feature is working we will enhance the single product display to give you more information about the product. You will be able to view all the modal premium options, the various health categories/premiums, etc.
When we first rolled out the Windows version of QuickerQuoter there wasn’t a great deal of interest because most companies already have Windows quote software and most have already made substantial investments in that software.
By contrast, most companies do not have PDA quoting software. Compulife will provide that software to companies for it’s FREE. We have already received preliminary interest in QuickerQuoter from some life insurance companies.
There is a catch for life companies to get the software. Compulife will provide the new PDA QuickerQuoter programs to life companies who are helpful in providing assistance to Compulife. While this includes things like providing rate tables and information about products, we are now asking for one more area of assistance that a company must provide to Compulife in order to obtain the PDA software. The company must be willing to provide current copies of their PDF forms.
The new forms library will be available to any Compulife subscriber who is obtaining the Compulife internet quote engine through the authorized web provider.
NOTE: Adding the Compulife quote engine to your web site is only $99 per year. The forms library will be no additional charge.
We have already e-mailed a number of the life companies with information about the new QuickerQuoter program and have advised those companies that the first companies to provide forms will be the first companies to receive the PDA software. Currently we have 4 companies who have expressed interest in the PDA software and one company has begun supplying forms.
If you want more information about the forms library or the Quickerquoter PDA software, give Bob Barney a call at (888) 798-3488.
Compulife has been promoting this board for the last few months and we believe it will be an important way for our customers to dialogue on a number of timely and interesting issues. I have already had e-mails from subscribers who joined and who have found the discussions on the board interesting and informative.
To repeat, you need to join:
As an incentive for our subscribers to take the time, sit down and put their story in an e-mail, Compulife will be announcing a contest for the best stories. Once again, the announcement will appear on:
Stories that Compulife has already received to date, and which are posted as testimonials to our web site, will also be included in the contest. There will be at least 3 prizes with the first prize being a it’s FREE year of Compulife.
For those doing monthly updates by Internet, we rely on three other web sites to supply monthly updates. These are automatically checked and used by our automatic Internet update software.
The disk update will be processed Friday, March 31st and the disks will be shipped on that day. You should have the disk update by Monday, April 3rd.
Also note, for those receiving updates by disks, that you must switch over to Internet updates by the end of December 2006. Disk service will not be offered for January 2007 and following.
But we would encourage you to not wait until December 2006 to make the change because not only will you eliminate the expense and hassle of returning disks, it costs much less to get updates by Internet.
To switch to Internet monthly updates, go to our web page and select the second menu choice “Application/License Agreements” Under the section “Application / License Agreements” you will need to select and complete a new License Agreement for the type of license that you have. Indicate on the application form, under “payment option”, that this is a “CHANGE“. After you have printed the new application agreement, please read it, especially the part where you agree that you have successfully downloaded and processed our “mid-month updates”. If you haven’t done that before, call us and we’ll be happy to step you through the procedure. It’s easy.