Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin: Richard Gilbert,…

Update News for June 2013
Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin:
Instruction Tutorials
Getting Technical Support
Do You Have A Website?
Do You Have A Domain Name?
These topics will be dealt with in more detail throughout this bulletin.
- 1. On the Red Menu of the Windows version of Compulife, click on “Help”. On the help list, about half way down, you will see “Instructions”. When you click on Instruction, you will go to:
2. Go to the Home page of Compulife: On the horizontal menu, go across to the fifth option which is “Support”. When you click on that option, the second option on the drop down menu is “Instruction Tutorials”. That will take you to: Video Tutorials
The tutorials that are currently available deal with how to build a Pick 12 spreadsheet (Dare to Compare Challenge), how to use the Preferred Health Analyzer, how to produce quotes with Table Ratings, and how to use the Return of Premium Analysis.
We would like to do more tutorials this summer, but they do take a significant amount of time. With that in mind, we want to do tutorials that address the greatest “bang for the buck”. On my list of tutorials to do I have:
- Income Replacement Calculator
- Retirement Calculator
- Interest Adjusted Cost Analysis
More important, we would like to hear from you folks as to what topics you would like to see covered.
You will note, if you get the second toll free greeting that we are no longer accepting voice messages. Frankly, it’s a waste of time. Many people do not leave good voice messages – they are too long and are often wandering and meandering. What we want, what we need, is your name and phone number and we will call you back as quickly as we can.
What we ask you to do is send us an email at with your name and number. Sending that email will mean your request will be acted upon more quickly. When you send an email to, it goes to both Jeremiah AND Bob. The first who is free to call, will do so. Once the call is over, we let the other know that the issue has been dealt with. We also get emails when we are out of the office, and can get back to you by cell phone (if necessary).
No question is stupid. If you are trying to do something and don’t know how, or can’t remember how to do something, CALL US!
Don’t save up your questions. Our experience tells us that dealing with issues/questions as they arise is the best way to learn. If you try to remember too much at once, you won’t remember it all.
If we seem impatient when you call, remember that we are just trying to resolve your problem/issue quickly. There are other people who need our help, and we want to get to their calls as quickly as we can.
The reason we cut down the number of companies is so that we don’t have people using instead of buying our software. Subscribers use the control panel to ensure that only those companies they can actually sell appear in their quotes. And if you need to add or subtract from the list, you can do it anytime.
NOTE: If you forget your control panel link you can always call us and we can email it to you. It only goes to the email that we have to your account.
The web quote option is a $99 annual “add on” to your subscription to Compulife. That’s it, that’s all it costs to add a live quoting system to your web site. And if you have not had the web quotes on your web site before, we will give you 4 months for FREE. There is not obligation to purchase the option at the end of 4 FREE months. In other words, try it, you might like it.
As already discussed, when we set up a web quotes account for you, your account includes a control panel where you decide which companies quote on your site. It’s also where you decided which email(s) receives any contacts from your quotes – we don’t get or see those emails.
Anyway, back to the question, “Do you have a website?”
If the answer is no, what message are you sending to your prospects and clients? I suspect that the average consumer, who discovers you don’t have a web site, thinks you are a bit “old fashioned”. That would be kind way to look at it. A less kind way to look at it is that the consumer thinks you are a cave man.
If the answer is yes, you do have a website, and we suspect that most subscribers have a web site, the question is what can a consumer see and do if they go to your web site? Is there anything on your web site that conveys, quickly and easily to the consumer, what you are able to do? That’s where having a live comparison system on your web site can add some serious gravitas. Nothing conveys your independence and ability to shop and compare like a live web quoting/comparison tool.
Now we realize most agents will not generate a lot of direct sales from a quote system on their site. But then that is why we only charge $99 pear year for the option. How often would you need to make a sale to pay for that? And one big sale would let you buy annuity to pay for the web quote option and Compulife for the rest of your life. Think about it.
Compulife has cherry picked a number that have come up for sale, and we are in turn offering them for sale to our subscribers. You can find the list here:
The latest addition to the list is: – $199
Do you think that price is high? Here is a recent auction list that I received:
- Domain Name – Current Price
- – $1,295
- – $1,277
- – $1,988
- – $888
- – $1,795
- – $788
- – $1,195
- – $894
- – $10,000
- – $3,588
- – $2,095
- – $1,895
- – $1,995
- – $1,200
- – $600
- – $1,500
- – $799
Are some of these prices too high – you bet! But check out our list. The highest priced domain name that we have is, and it’s only $995. You may think that is a lot of money, but getting a good domain name, one that is simple and easy to remember, is VERY, VERY important. And the initial purchase price for a domain that someone else already owns is a one time cost. After that it’s $13 per year.
I wish, when we created, that we had thought of, or could have gotten it then. It’s a great name and so much easier to remember.