Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin: Richard Gilbert,…

Update News for July 2005
Here is a quick run-down on the upcoming changes:
Price Cuts for Software (agents now pay only $149 / year)
Downsizing/Improvements to Compulife’s Infrastructure
New Marketing Program – Take the “Dare to Compare” challenge
New Referral Program – Earn $5 credits toward your Subscription Cost
New Rules for Sub-user discounts
These topics will be dealt with in more detail throughout this bulletin. We would encourage you to read on.
The disk update will be processed Friday, July 29th and the disks will be shipped on that day. You should have the disk update by Monday, August 1st.
We would also like to reduce the price for our Personal Use – Agent Edition of Compulife, but we are holding off on that until we see what impact the other changes that we are making have on our subscriber volume.
We should point out that volume is now becoming a KEY component in our pricing strategy. As more and more customers take delivery of software by Internet, and as we expand our use of the Internet for updating and servicing our customers, our cost per unit is dropping. As volume goes up, and cost per unit drops, it allows us to lower pricing, which in and of itself should have a positive impact on volume.
Here in the U.S., we have lowered the price for the Term4Sale – Agent Edition and using that as a way to “test the water” to see just how much of an impact lower pricing has on sales.
To those who wonder why we cut Personal Use pricing in Canada first, the answer is that we have fewer Canadian subscribers. The population of Canada is about the same as the state of California and so there are about 1/10 the life insurance agents that are in the U.S.
The other reason we are cutting our Canadian price first is because the Canadian life insurance industry has been going through a large number of mergers and acquisitions. At one time we compared the products of over 60 Canadian life companies; now the number is closer to 20. While we have seen a similar trend in mergers and acquisitions in the U.S., the pace of those mergers has been much slower and we supply a lot more information, for a lot more companies, in our U.S. software.
Having noted these points, we share this with you to say that we also want to lower our software pricing in the U.S. We believe that the U.S. can support a lot more subscribers. Te question is how do we get there? Once again, to get to lower pricing, we need to boost subscriber volume. As you read on, there is a tangible way for you to help us and at the same time as you help us, we will immediately give you easy to earn credits that will cut YOUR own cost for software.
As a further test of our theory, we believe that our new lower prices in Canada should also result in a sharp increase in numbers of subscribers there.
If it turns out that we are correct, then we will begin ratcheting down the price for our Personal Use Edition of the full program.
VERY IMPORTANT: Any future price reductions to the Personal Use version of Compulife will be accompanied by a “top up” offer that permits existing subscribers to take immediate advantage of price reductions by taking into account subscription fees paid but not yet used. This month Canadian subscribers are being offered the “top up opportunity”.
Once again, if and when we cut pricing in the U.S., we will provide a top up opportunity for subscribers. Please don’t feel you will lose out if you take advantage of our discounted prices for two or three year subscriptions. If you do, and we cut prices, you will not be unhappy.
NOTE: Top up pricing is NOT offered for Term4Sale Agent Edition customers.
Eliminating CD’s and Mail Costs
Some time in the late summer or early fall we will switch over to permitting you to install your subscription renewal from our web site.
This password protected way of downloading your subscription and monthly update will be available throughout your subscription. If you purchase a new computer, and need to install, you can go back and do it later.
This is a big advantage because subscribers routinely lose their CDs. If that happened, we would need to ship another CD (more money gone). With this new system, if you accidentally delete the e-mail which contained your password, you will be able to call us and with a single click in our database we will instantly ship you a replacement e-mail.
Needless to say, this new internet subscription renewal delivery system will cut our costs in that we will not have to purchase, prepare and mail CD’s. Those cost reductions put us in a position to lower the pricing for software.
You can read more about this offer by going to:
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First Time Users get 4 FREE Months of Compulife – No Obligation! |
Earn $5 Credits toward your Renewal Payment
If you refer a prospect to Compulife, and that prospective user completes the “Dare to Compare” challenge, Compulife will give your prospect a FREE 4 month subscription and send you a credit coupon for $5.
IMPORTANT: It doesn’t matter if the prospect buys or doesn’t buy the software. They just have to do the “Dare to Compare” tutorial and e- mail Compulife a quote.
Think about this! For your referral to get their FREE 4 months, they need to do a simple 5 minute tutorial. If they do that 5 minute tutorial, you will get a $5 credit coupon which you can use against your next subscription purchase.
The tutorial is a 5 minute exercise where the prospect e-mails or faxes us a Pick 5 Policy Analysis.
To make a referral:
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Click Here to e-mail your referral to Compulife |
Make sure you identify your referral’s name and location, and make sure we have your name, address and phone number.
If your referral completes the “Dare to Compare” challenge by the end of 30 days, they will receive a CD with a 3 month free subscription (in addition to their original 30 day trial). At the time that we are shipping the CD, we will check to see if they were referred. If they were, you will get a credit coupon for $5.
The only conditions attached to trials is that the person you are referring to Compulife must be a life insurance agent and must not have been a subscriber to Compulife in the past 3 years or have had a trial in the past 3 years.
REMEMBER: There is NO LIMIT to the number of names that you can provide, or the credit coupons that we issue to you.
See what sticks!
We will send the 30 day trial to your referral and a copy of the “Dare to Compare” offer for 3 more months of FREE software. If they take the challenge to get the additional 3 months of software, you get a coupon for $5.
Here is what we told you last month:
There remains a minority of Compulife subscribers who still get disk updates rather than Internet updates.
During April Compulife removed the opportunity for NEW subscribers to purchase updates on disks. The only disks we are now shipping are those to existing subscribers who still get their updates by disks.
However, effective July 1, 2005, EXISTING customers will be faced with higher prices and new conditions when they renew their subscription for updates on disks. If you are getting disk updates, and want to hold off on switching to updates by Internet, you need to read this carefully.
First, renewal prices for disks will increase. To ensure that all disk update customers stop receiving disk updates after December 2006, all disk update customers renewing after July 1, 2005 will be invoiced for the total number of months left to December 2006. This will ensure that each disk subscription is paid to the end of 2006. It will not be renewed past that point as a disk subscription.
From July 1, 2005 forward, personal use disk subscription renewals will be priced at $29 per month, payable in a lump sum to the end of December 2006.
Agency use disk subscriptions will be $39 per month, payable in a lump sum in advance to the end of December 2006.
VERY IMPORTANT: The absolute last date anyone will be able to obtain a monthly update by disk will be December 2006. From January 2007 and forward, ALL Compulife subscribers will need to receive updates by Internet. If you are not connected to the Internet by January 2007, you will no longer be able to get Compulife updates.
If you act before July 1, 2005 (NOW JULY 10, 2005), the cost of your renewal will be based upon the total number of months left times the average cost per month based upon the current annual fees of:
Personal Use – $25 per month (rather than $29)
Agency Use – $33.25 per month (rather than $39)
If you wait until AFTER July 1, 2005 (NOW JULY 10, 2005) to renew disk updates, you will pay the higher prices.
One of the results of this integration is the fact that a subscriber, who does not renew their subscription, will automatically be deleted from the listings at Prior to this we cross checked lists in November when we were invoicing paid listings for the following year. At that time we removed subscribers who had not renewed their software subscription. With the change that we have made, term4sale listings will be automatically deleted when the subscriber does not renew.
There is a negative implication as a result of this change. It affects those who have paid to be listed in additional zip codes at When a subscription is not renewed, and the term4sale listings are removed, paid zip code listings are also removed. We need to clarify that if paid zip codes are deleted due to non-renewal of a subscription there is no refund for unused zip code listing fees.
If the subscriber subsequently renews their subscription, then their paid listings are automatically reactivated.
Based upon the small number of requests for additional free listings, we assume most subscribers have not read the offer. Here it is again:
1. Term4Sale – Agent edition
An individual subscribing to the lowest cost version of Compulife will continue to be entitled to one free listing at There is no change for Term4Sale subscribers.
2. Personal Use subscription
An individual agent subscribing to the full version of the Compulife Quotation System will now be entitled to have two free listings at Prior to this change, the maximum number of free listings was one.
3. Agency Use subscription (Standard License)
Agency subscribers are now entitled to have up to three free listings at Prior to this change, the maximum number of free listings was one. NOTE: There will still be the requirement that a single individual be listed as the contact person for the agency.
If you are a personal use or agency subscriber, and already have one free listing at, please send Diane an e-mail at indicating which other zip codes you would like to add. Alternately, you can give Diane a call at 800-798-3488. Please keep in mind that new listings requested during June will be posted on July 1st.
More important, you need to learn the Windows version of the program. We think we have been very fair in continuing to offer the DOS program for as long as we have, and we hope that those who used and loved it, will make the effort to learn the Windows version. If there is something you used to do in DOS, that seems harder for you to do in Windows, call us. There is probably a short cut you aren’t aware of.
Please keep in mind that part of the changes that we are making, such as reduced infrastructure and lower prices are directly tied to simplifying the way that we do business. Supporting an operating system that no one buying new software wants or is using, makes no sense.
For those doing monthly updates by Internet, we rely on three other web sites to supply monthly updates. These are automatically checked and used by our automatic Internet update software.
1. Switch to obtaining monthly updates by Internet.
Not only will you eliminate the expense and hassle of returning disks, you will save $100 per year in subscription fees.
To switch to Internet monthly updates, go to our web page and select the last menu choice “Forms, applications, instruction tutorials, etc.” Under the section “License Agreements” you will need to select and complete a new License Agreement for the type of license you have. After you have printed the new agreement, please read it, especially the part where you agree that you have successfully downloaded and processed our “mid-month updates”. If you haven’t done that before, call us and we’ll be happy to step you through the procedure. It’s easy.
2. Disk Purchase Program
The other way to avoid returning the disks and the disk box each month is to pre-purchase them for $21 per year ($1.75 per month). Once you do that you can keep them for future reference, throw them away or return them for a credit (once each year) when you are invoiced for the following year. $21 costs you less than maili