Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin: Richard Gilbert,…

Update News for February 2007
Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin:
Compulife FREE Extended Warranty on PDA’s
Palm PDA’s Highly Reliable
FREE Hosting for QuickerQuoter Updates
Automated Updates for QuickQuoter?
What is QuickerQuoter for Agencies?
FREE QuickerQuoter PDA Software
Why This May Be a Limited Time Offer
Form Category Improvements
Another Company for the Forms Library
Help Us Add More Companies and Get a FREE PDA!
25th Year in Business
These topics will be dealt with in more detail throughout this bulletin.
Compulife FREE Extended Warranty on PDA’s
For a limited time Compulife is offering you the ability to extend your FREE warranty by extending you current subscription for up to 3 years. Here is one example of how the cost is determined:
Suppose you have 6 months left on your current personal use subscription. If you already own a Palm PDA that you purchased from Compulife, and you do nothing else, you now have a FREE 6 month warranty as described above. If you wish to add time to that 6 month warranty, you can do so by adding time to your current subscription. The regular price for a one year personal use subscription is $199. To top up your remaining 6 months to 12 months you can do so by paying 6/12 X $199 which equals $99.50. That will extend your current subscription to 12 months and extend the FREE warranty on your Palm PDA from 6 to 12 months. You can further boost that FREE warranty to 24 months by paying an additional $150 which is the difference in cost to add a second year to a one year subscription. You could further boost that FREE warranty from 24 months to 36 months for an additional $100 which is the difference in cost between a 2 and 3 year subscription.
NOTE: Subscription rates for Standard Agency versions and Term4Sale Agent versions are different from the rates used in this example. If you wish to top up your subscription, and need to know the specific costs, you can give Compulife a call at 800-798-3488.
The ability to “top up” the FREE extended warranty will ONLY be available to existing PDA owners until March 31, 2007. If you do not act by then, the FREE extended warranty will simply cover you to the end of your current subscription, for whatever period of time remains. Once again, this FREE warranty only applies to used PDA’s purchased from Compulife.
Palm PDA’s Highly Reliable
If you are not carrying Compulife on a PDA you are missing out on some very easy prospecting opportunities. And if I hear one more agent tell me they don’t talk about insurance outside the office, I think I will need to be checked into a mental health facility. I remember a time when life insurance sales people were REAL sales people.
FREE Hosting for QuickerQuoter Updates
And if you use Insurance Squared to host your QuickerQuoter updates, Compulife will maintain those updates on the Insurance Squared server for FREE.
For QuickerQuoter purchasers it means that all you will need to do is e-mail a link to the page and/or place a link to the page on your web site. Your page will look like either of these two samples:
FREE Download for non-NY life companies
FREE Download for New York life companies
NOTE: The server used for the above examples is the server provided by Insurance Squared. Compulife rents space on that server, just as we rent space from 6 other Internet Providers for our services to Compulife subscribers.
Automated Updates for QuickQuoter?
The decision to put automatic updates into our QuickerQuoter software will be dependent on the number of QuickerQuoter buyers who elect to use Insurance Squared to host those updates. If there is an insufficient number of agencies using Insurance Squared for those updates there is no point offering automatic updating. Updates will continue to be manual updates just as they are now.
If you do NOT use Insurance Squared as your on-line term quote provider, you can do so for ONLY $179 per year. Once you do your QuickerQuoter update web page and update hosting is FREE.
ALSO IMPORTANT: Insurance Squared now offers an on-line forms library option which can be added to that on-line term quote service for only $120 per year.
Click Here to obtain full details.
What is QuickerQuoter for Agencies?
Click Here for more information on QuickerQuoter. The web page contains a FREE sample of QuickerQuoter.
NOTE: The products and companies included in the FREE samples of QuickerQuoter are up-to-date and current. The companies we have selected are those companies which have provided Compulife with their forms for our Forms Library. If you are a life company, and would like to be added, please call Bob Barney at (888) 798-3488.
IMPORTANT: FREE software for your brokers.
THINK ABOUT IT: If you don’t give this software to your brokers for FREE, then maybe your brokers will get it from your competitors for FREE. And then your brokers will be quoting the companies that your competitors want them to quote.
The agencies who act sooner will be the agencies to benefit the most. To date over a dozen agencies have acquired QuickerQuoter.
FREE QuickerQuoter PDA Software
Some agencies have told me they don’t think that’s important because their agents aren’t using PDA’s. There are some points I would like to make:
- First, more and more agents are buying Palm and/or Windows Mobile phones. Those phones ARE PDA’s and they can run QuickerQuoter. Do you want to be the one pointing that out to your agent, or do you want your competitor pointing it out?
- Second, agents who do not have PDA’s don’t have them because they don’t appreciate what they can do. There was a time when no one owned a calculator. Does your agent own a calculator now? Of course they do. Why? Because it’s cheap and it’s a great tool. Ditto for PDA’s. Compulife can provide PDA’s that run QuickerQuoter for as little as $69. Click here for complete details
- Third, read some of the following testimonies that Compulife has received from subscribers using insurance comparisons on their PDA:
The point is this: Agents are going to find out about this capability – one way or the other. The sooner they do, the sooner they will make money with it. And that means they will not only be making money for themselves but for the agency they do business with. Do you think agents will appreciate the agency that was first to bring that to their attention?
There is another reason you do not want to delay offering this to your agents. This QuickerQuoter Offer may be for a limited time only. I make the point to warn you that you might find your competitors having access to this software but you may not be able to get it in the future. In other words, you snooze you lose. And if you do act immediately, we will give you a Special Guarantee that you will want to read about – KEEP READING.
Why This May Be a Limited Time Offer
The point is this: if Compulife determines that the QuickerQuoter program for agencies is having a net negative impact on our gross revenue, Compulife will discontinue the QuickerQuoter program without notice.
But that’s where our Special Guarantee kicks in, and it’s exactly why you need to act NOW. Compulife guarantees that if we discontinue QuickerQuoter to new buyers, we will continue to offer QuickerQuoter to existing buyers for a total of 36 more months. Whether we continue to offer the software or not, YOU WILL HAVE IT – GUARANTEED!
Therefore, buying QuickerQuoter for your brokers now, is your guarantee to be able to buy it for 36 more months even if we no longer offer it to new buyers.
At the end of 36 months we have a further guarantee to buy the agent version of Compulife at a deeper than normal special discount. Call Bob Barney at (888) 798-3488 for details. The special discount will only be available to you IF we discontinue the QuickerQuoter program providing that you were a customer of QuickerQuoter at that time.
No matter how you look at it, getting on board with QuickerQuoter for your agents means you are getting a guarantee for software products, software services and software prices that you can’t get if you don’t buy QuickerQuoter.
We are not kidding, this offer could vanish at any time without any notice.
To repeat – you snooze you lose. And there is no sympathy for those who say, “But I didn’t see it in the bulletin”. If that’s true, you weren’t snoozing you were sleeping.
Form Category Improvements
If you have any thoughts or suggestions on this
matter, please give Bob Barney a call at 888-798-3488 or drop Bob an e-mail at
Another Company for the Forms Library
To date the following companies are now available:
- Banner Life Insurance
- Jefferson Pilot Life
- Jefferson Pilot Life (NY)
- Pruco Life Insurance
- Pruco Life Insurance of New Jersey
- North American Company for L & H
- Reliastar Life Insurance Company
- Reliastar Life Insurance Company of NY
- William Penn Life Insurance
Help Us Add More Companies and Get a FREE PDA!
forms, we’ll give you a Palm Zire 31 PDA as our way of saying
25th Year in Business
We note this to first and foremost express our thanks to our loyal subscribers (thousands of subscribers) many of whom have been with us for a majority of that time. It goes without saying that we could not have done it without you. Many, many thanks.
In conjunction with our 25th year celebrations we are offering another special to subscribers. Buy an additional 3 year subscription at our normal 3 year discounted price and we’ll provide you with a FREE Palm Zire 31 PDA package which includes memory card and adapter – a value of $89. And your FREE Palm Zire 31 will come with a FREE extended warranty as per the first section of this bulletin. And if you already have 6 months remaining on your current subscription, the new 3 year subscription will add 3 years to that and give you a FREE extended warranty during the entire 42 month period.
A personal use 3 year subscription is only $449 (one year price is $199) which offers a saving of $150 over a subscription paid annually. Given the cost of renewing once each year for 3 years, you save $150 AND get a FREE Palm PDA. This offer is available until Friday, February 23rd.
NOTE: The Zire 31 package can be upgraded to a Tungsten E package by paying the difference in cost.
We also note it to underline our longstanding commitment to this marketplace – a commitment that has never changed and a commitment that is as great today as it has ever been.
Two things are true about companies that have been around this long – they are either resting on their laurels or they are continuing to push forward aggressively. I think it is clear that the latter applies to Compulife.
Here are just three recent examples:
In the last year we have introduced PDA software, both for PDA’s on-line
and off-line – the latter at prices too reasonable for agents to ignore.
The PDA software is FREE with your subscription to Compulife and we can provide
backlit color PDA’s for as little as $69.
We have recently rolled out a Forms Library which introduces an innovative web library / local library system for automatically storing forms on your own computer – making retrieval fast and easy – regardless of web connection problems.
We have introduced QuickerQuoter for agencies, giving agencies our comparison technology (including PDA technology) which they can turn around and provide to their agents for FREE.
We draw this to your attention to underline that Compulife appreciates your business and we will continue to EARN your business, by improving and expanding our product offerings.