Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin: Upgrading Language…

Update News for April 2023
Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin:
BIG Change for Marketing
The “2 Months Plus” FREE Subscription
The NEW Referral Deal
Why The Change?
They Pick What They Want
Still NO Obligation to Buy Anything
Referral Source Will Be On The Application
Our Current Programming Plans for 2023
These topics will be dealt with in more detail throughout this bulletin.
Currently new subscribers – a person who has never had a subscription to Compulife – can obtain a 30 free trial of our Windows program. If that trial user then does a “tutorial”, they can get a 4 free month subscription. If you refer a prospect for the trial and they do the tutorial, they were bonused with 2 additional free months and you got a free local zip code listing at term4sale for the balance of the year PLUS two additional years, for free. The “PLUS” is going away.
We will be discontinuing that opportunity late in April. If you want to take advantage of the current referral opportunity, you will need to act quickly to make those referrals. Use this form to make a referral:
Important, your referred prospect needs to do the tutorial by the end of April. Otherwise, you can take advantage of the new referral option which we will talk about in May’s bulletin.
There will no longer be a requirement to do a tutorial using the Windows program.
Those clicking on this offer, on the home page of Compulife, will get a variation of the application form that we used to have for a 4 free month subscription but they no longer have to do a tutorial to get that free subscription or to have immediate access for up to 4 Compulife product offerings.
1. Trial users installing the Windows PC trial usually run up against their anti-virus products which complain about our our trial installation software. Many simply GIVE UP right there. Often that trial user will NOT read what we have given them in our material, or won’t call us for assistance. They never install the PC version of Compulife and never experience the program. That also means they don’t experience Compulife Mobile or the webquote option.
NOTE: We are going back to calling the web based agent quoting system “Mobile”. We had coined the phrase “Basic” because we didnt’ want people thinking that the Mobile version did not work on a PC, but clearly “Basic” made it more confusing. So it’s back to “Mobile” instead of “Basic”. And yes, mobile is the web based agent quoting system that works on ANYTHING with a browser that is connected to the Internet.
2. A significant number of potential subcsribers are using non-Windows computers like an Apple, and can’t run the Windows software without installing additional software that lets them run Windows programs. At that point many are simply unwilling to continue because they ONLY want Apple software. Same problem, they never experience Compulife Mobile or the webquote option.
3. A certain number of prospective customers simply want a web based quoting tool that they can add to their website. For them installing and learning how to use PC software is (in their mind) a big waste of time and so they didn’t do the tutorial and never experience Compulife Mobile or the webquote option.
4. A one step process is SIMPLER to understand. Many people have trouble following our current 2 step process – install the software – do a tutorial. It’s clear they do NOT read our website information or trial email properly.
If you are detecting a pattern of laziness in this, that is a definite and growing problem in our society. People today are less likely to work or spend time educating themselves. It’s not only a reality in business (work) it affects everything including politics. People are happy to be ignorant. Please do not disturb me, I am in a trance.
- 1. Compulife Mobile – web based quoting for agents
- 2. Compulife Web Quote Option – web based quoting for your website
- 3. Compulife PC Software – our most powerful quoing system for agents
- 4. Three Free Listings at
The “2 Free Months Plus” subscriber will actually indicate which of those options they want. If they only want Compulife Mobile and the Compulife Web Quote option, then when we auto-invoice them 45 days before the end of the subscription, and we will ONLY invoice them for the $99 plus $100. If they only wanted Compulife Mobile then they will get invoiced $99
At no point will we ask for their credit card unless they are deciding they want to purchase. As always, Compulife keeps NO records of anyone’s credit cards. Therefore, we cannot take your next payment automatically, and NO one can steal your credit card information from us. In fact when you do enter your credit card on-line when paying an invoice, you are NOT giving us your credit card, you are actually providing that information to our bank using our bank’s secure website. If you do it on-line, we never see your credit card info.
If you call us with you credit card payment, we enter it into the same database and keep no record. If we have to write your information down, after processing it, the paper is shredded.
We STRONGLY RECOMMEND, if you want to get your local zip code for making the referral, that YOU complete the 2 month free plus” application on behalf of your referral. If they fill it in and do NOT put your name down, you will not get the credit. As we mentioned earlier, many folks seems to be lazier so you can expect the agent who you referred to simply “miss” putting down your name. If you do it that won’t happen.
- Introduction of New PC Version: CQS.EXE
- Overhaul Of Current Product Data Files
- Introduction of Compulife Mobile Plus (with Pick 12)
Anyone with questions about any of these upcoming projects can call Bob Barney to discuss:
(888) 798-3488
Please don’t email me essay questions, just call. If I’m not in, email me your phone number, I’ll call you.
These planned objectives will easily consume our programming time during the balance of this year and throughout 2023. The good news is that once the product data files have been converted, and we have introduced the new CQS.EXE, and upgraded our internet engine to use the new data files, Compulife will be turning it’s full attention to our web based, Compulife Mobile software. The long term goal is to have a web based product that does everything our PC based software does.