Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin: Upgrading Language…
U.S. Update News October 2000
Unless you have made arrangements to purchase your diskettes, please return your “September disks” ONLY AFTER you have successfully installed this October 2000 Update. August disks are your backup in case you should have problems installing the October edition.
Before switching to updates by Internet we require that you complete a special addendum to the license agreement called the “Internet Update Endorsement”. Once you return that to us we will send you the “Internet Master Disk” which you will need to be able to process the “MONTHLY.CMP” file that you will then be downloading each month.
If you want to switch over to Internet monthly updates, please call our office at (800) 798-3488. Our staff will send you the Internet Update Endorsement.
That will also include access to our new “income replacement calculator” which will be available at the website in the very near future. That’s a web version of our F7 function key in the comparison program. This helps a consumer to understand how much lump sum money it takes to replace an annual paycheck for a period of time. The calculation takes into account inflation and interest/growth on money.
Those Compulife subscribers who use this important analysis tool have told us that their average face amount sales increase substantially. Check it out in the software (F7) and check it out at the website. It’s the button next to the face amount.
Lite is light in two ways. First, Lite is the DOS only version of our software. For most running Windows, the DOS version works just fine. The only problems that we experience with the DOS system are printer related. Some “Windows only” printers will not print ANY DOS material (so don’t buy one of those printers) and some Windows networks (Windows peer to peer connections) have trouble printing. For those having such problems, the Windows version of Compulife is best.
Second, Lite does not include one year (ART) or five year term. This keeps the entire software package small enough to fit on two disks which are shipped “regular mail”. To those buying Lite for their brokers, those Lites are shipped to you with your regular disk update (2 day Priority Mail).
If you want the new edition, and don’t update by Internet, you can get the newest Windows program at our mid-month update site at or Call us if you have any trouble downloading the mid-month update file.
The introduction of the new Windows version is being divided into two stages in order to reduce the telephone support pressure on our staff. We anticipate a lot of calls from those shocked to find that their comparison system has changed, and unable to figure out how to make it work (they’re used to the old method and don’t read bulletins). Once we get through that learning curve, we will add the newest version to the disk updates.
Finally, the free month offer for being the first to find a rate error stands. This means that if you use the new Windows program, and find a rate quotation mistake, you get a free month for being first to report it.
If your current comparison is listed as “20 Year Level Term Guaranteed”, you will notice a small gray down arrow/button to the right of the white (or yellow) line. When you click that arrow/button, the list of categories is displayed. Move your mouse pointer to the category that you want and click on it. The new comparison will execute immediately.
Note: Non-guaranteed comparison categories are highlighted in yellow. Also, comparison results that appear in yellow, are products where the
Tip: You will now have two windows displayed. Size and position them so you can see both. If your screen has fairly high resolution like mine, try what I’ve done. I have sized my comparison window to take up the entire left side of my screen. I sized my “Pick 11 Product List” window to appear in the bottom right corner of my screen.
To file a product to Pick 5, click the left button on the product in the comparison. This moves the light blue highlighter to that product. Click the right button to transfer the product to the “Pick 11 Product List” window.
Tip: A shortcut exists where you move the mouse pointer to the product, and even without the highlight line on that product, a right button will transfer the product which is under the pointer.
Personally, I prefer doing it the same way as I do in DOS. You can move the light blue highlight line with the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard. Once you have highlighted the product you want, a right arrow will transfer it to the “Pick 11 Product List” window.
Note: With the single product window displayed, size and position it so you can see the comparison, and the single product window, at the same time. Mine is sized and position in the top right corner of the screen, to the right of my comparison window and above my “Pick 11 Product List” window.
To select a different company, click the down arrow/button to the right of the name of the company. When you click on the company you want, the product closest in type to the last company you looked at, is displayed. To select a different product, click the down button to the right of the product name.