Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin: Richard Gilbert,…
U.S. Update News December 2000
Unless you have made arrangements to purchase your diskettes, please return your “November disks” ONLY AFTER you have successfully installed this December 2000 Update. November disks are your backup in case you should have problems installing the December edition.
Before switching to updates by Internet we require that you complete a special addendum to the license agreement called the “Internet Update Endorsement”. Once you return that to us we will send you the “Internet Master Disk” which you will need to be able to process the “MONTHLY.CMP” file that you will then be downloading each month.
If you want to switch over to Internet monthly updates, please call our office at (800) 798-3488. Our staff will send you the Internet Update Endorsement.
From next month on you can read the bulletin one of two ways. After installing the monthly update you will find a bulletin.txt file in your \COMPLIFE folder. You can read or print that file with Compulife’s View/Print File Program. Alternately, you can go to or and view a copy of the bulletin (and past bulletins) at the website.
Finally, not printing and packaging a bulletin each month simplifies cost and production of software. We anticipated that cost saving earlier this year when we passed it along to you by way of lower subscription fees.
Christmas is named for the mass (celebration) of the birth of Jesus Christ. The birth of Jesus is the third most important celebration for Christians. Good Friday and Easter are the most central events for followers of Jesus.
Before man first sinned against God he was warned that the penalty for sin was death. Good Friday remembers that Jesus died in our place, paying the price for the sins of mankind. Easter reminds us that Jesus did not stay in the grave, He rose from the dead proving that He had conquered death. As the Apostle Paul wrote, if Jesus was not raised from the dead, then we are still in our sins. Paul reasoned that if Jesus was not raised from the dead, then Christians who had placed their belief and trust in Him were of all men to be most pitied. Having noted that, Paul lived and died proclaiming that Jesus was alive.
But of course none of this could have happened if Jesus had not been sent in the first place. Christians celebrate Christmas remembering that Jesus was a gift from God, a gift that we did not deserve. God would have been entirely justified not sending Jesus, and justified in holding mankind accountable for its sin. But the Bible teaches that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son Jesus that whoever believes in Him would not be punished but would be given eternal life. For Christians, celebrating Christmas is just a small way of saying thanks to God for sending Jesus.
In that spirit, I want to wish all our subscribers a very Merry Christmas. May your holiday get togethers be happy ones, and may you find some way to express and experience the generosity of the season. Let the Christmas story, whether for you it’s fact or fiction, be an example for you doing something for someone who does not deserve your kindness.
Compulife wants to sweeten that deal further for bulk buyers. Compulife will permit those who buy Compulife Lite in bulk, and who are prepared to distribute their Lite systems by Internet (we’ll tell you how) to include and ship the Windows version of the program to their sub-users.
For more information about that new option, and instructions on how all that can be done, please call Bob Barney at (800) 798-3488.
Just to remind you, a subscription to the Internet engine is a one time fee of $500 plus $1,495 per year. Once again, that includes 20 free bulk subscriptions to Compulife Lite.
1. Internet Mid-Month Updates occur as needed. Some have told me they assume it is a single update in the middle of the month. If you read the bulletin page where you download the update from, you will clearly see that is not the case. Some changes are posted as often as daily.
2. You can use Mid-Month Updates regardless of how you obtain your monthly update from Compulife. As long as you have a copy of the current monthly update for Compulife, regardless of whether it is personal use, agency or a Lite system, you can obtain and process the mid-month update files.
If you want the newest Windows program now, and don’t update monthly by Internet, you can download it from our mid-month update service. Call us if you have any trouble downloading the mid-month update.
When the new category is implemented, the client entry screen will allow the Plus question to be answered regardless of whether the client is regular or preferred. When a comparison is made, a new light green designation “R+” will show up next to those premiums which are in the new category. Further, if the preferred question is answered no (meaning regular), and the plus question is answered no (not checked), comparisons will not include the standard plus rates. Look for that change in January although we will introduce it in the mid-month updates for December.
The expanded categories will be a significant modification and improvement to the system and will permit up to 4 preferred non-smoking categories, 4 non-smoking categories, 3 preferred smoking categories and 3 smoking categories. Each of these categories can be further qualified by being plus or non-plus.
Subscribers who have been sent a renewal notice have been warned that their renewal payment must be received in our office no later than Thursday, December 21, 2000. Checks received after that date will be returned to subscribers and the zip codes they had listed will be removed from the database.
This does not mean that those subscribers cannot later purchase those zip code listings, it means the special 50% discount for 2001 does not apply. Also, other subcribers will have the opportunity to purchase those zip codes. If you are a subscriber who wanted to purchase a zip code, and didn’t because there were already three people listed there, then I would contact Compulife after December 21st to see if that zip code has now become available.
Those who did not renew zip code listings will be removed from the zip code database in the first week of January.