Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin: Upgrading Language…

Update News for January 2018
Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin:
January 8, 2018, 12pm EST
The Zip Code “Land Rush” Begins
Don’t Miss The Opportunity!
Happy New Year
The Starting Time is 12pm EST
Do Some Preparation In Advance
These topics will be dealt with in more detail throughout this bulletin.
The Zip Code “Land Rush” Begins
Don’t Miss The Opportunity!
Subscribers who purchase additional zip codes from Term4sale, Inc., over and above the LOCAL zip codes purchased as part of a subscription to the Windows PC software, are invoiced for those zip codes on a calendar year basis. Each year a certain number of zip codes, which were previously purchased by subscribers, become available. Here are some of the typical reasons zip codes come back into the market:
- 1. Subscribers die
- 2. Subscribers retire
- 3. Subscribers quit the business
- 4. Subscribers stop subscribing
- 5. Subscribers cut back on the zip codes they are buying
The 2018 renewal invoices for additional zip codes were sent mid-November. Subscribers have until Friday, January 5, 2018, to pay those renewals. If the renewal is not paid on or before that date, the un-paid zip codes are taken out of the new zip code listings which are then published the morning of January 8, 2018.
Leaving the ability to pay until the first week of January permits subscribers to decide in which tax year they will expense the advertising cost.
If zip codes are not paid by January 5th, the unpaid invoice will be automatically credited from our books and the zip codes will become available to other subscribers.
IMPORTANT: Do not call or email zip code purchase instructions before 12pm EST on January 8th. If you do, your email will be ignored. We will likely be too busy to even respond and tell you that you jumped the gun. If you call early, and you get through, you will be told to call later.
Because the phone lines will likely be busy that day, and a lot of the early part of that week, it is BEST to do your homework in advance and email your instructions for new purchases or changes. Use this emai:
You have two basic options for acquiring new zip codes. You can either ADD zip codes to your current list, or you can trade/exchange zip codes you already have, for zip codes you think are better.
Available zip codes (ANY Zip Code with less than 3 agents listed) will be available on a first come, first serve basis. The new list will be published here on January 8th:
If you are switching zip codes for better zip codes we will need specific instructions. Tell us what zip code you want to add, and which zip code you are giving up. If you don’t know what zip codes you have, email and ask for a list of those zip codes ASAP.
TIP: You can use the column titles to sort the list of zip codes.
Typically, when I am assisting subscribers in finding great zip codes, I will sort by the 4th column: “Zip Code Income (Millions)”. The number in that column is a result of multiplying column 5 times column 6 (Number of Households times Income Per Household). You will need to click that column heading twice. The first time you click it sorts from smallest number to largest. The second time you click it sorts from largest to smallest.
TIP: In densely populated, urban areas, increase the “Number of Listed Zip Codes” from the default number of 100. This will enlarge the area of the state that you are looking at.
Once you have the list that you want, print that list. I would then highlight the zip codes that you would really like to get. Once again, make sure that list is done in advance of the 8th.
On the morning of the 8th you will want to replicate the list again, doing the same search and sort. Check your old list with the new list to see if zip codes that previously had 3 subscribers Listed, now have 2 or less. If that happens, and it’s one of the zip codes that you want, fire off your email to:
Make sure we have your name and phone number in the email. Once we get to you in time order, we will call you and ask for your credit card information.
IMPORTANT: Compulife keeps no credit card records for subscribers. If we don’t have your credit card number, they can’t be stolen from us. Every purchase by credit card requires that you give us the credit card information again.