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COMPULIFE®  Mid-Month Update – U.S.

During each month Compulife updates this Internet Site with late breaking information of importance to the subscribers of its Compulife Term Comparison and Quotation System.  Each month the entire Compulife program is updated by Internet.  The information provided in the mid-month update contains the latest rate information.

WARNING  – The information which follows is intended for subscribers to the Compulife Quotation System.  Use of this service by those who are not current subscribers to the Compulife Quotation System is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.

Further, Compulife cannot guarantee that the use of this information service, by those other than current subscribers to Compulife’s monthly update software, will not lead to serious problems with the operation of their computer systems. Once again, only those using current editions of the Compulife program should proceed beyond this point.

This mid-month update is for the following edition of COMPULIFE

This update was posted on:

The following file is available for downloading:


Right click and save the above file to your C:\COMPLIFE folder, then follow the instructions below.


Once you have saved the above UPDATEU.CMP file to your C:\COMPLIFE folder, open your Compulife program. If the update file is located in the \COMPLIFE folder, the system will ask you if you wish to process it. Say yes.

If you have not placed the file in the \COMPLIFE folder, proceed to the Master Menu. At the Master Menu click on “Manage Product Database” and then select “Find Downloaded File From Internet” The program will then search your hard disk to locate the file. Once you have instructed the program to copy the file to your \COMPLIFE folder, you can completely exit the Compulife program. Start the Compulife program from scratch. At that point the program will see the update file and ask if you wish to process it. Say yes.

Please call Compulife at (800) 798-3488 if you have any problem with these procedures.

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