Merry Christmas 2011

It's Not A Gift Unless...

In the game of football the most exciting play is the "pass" where the football is thrown to a receiver. But there are passing plays that are NOT passing plays. If the receiver does not receive the ball and hang on to it, the play is ruled an incomplete pass.

At Christmas time there is much emphasis on gift giving. But gifts are not gifts unless they are received. You can put a gift in a box, wrap it up nicely, and attempt to give it to someone. But if the gift is refused or not received, it never becomes a gift. It is, for all intents and purposes, and incomplete pass.

The greatest gift that God ever gave mankind was his son Jesus Christ. Christmas is the time when we celebrate His birth. Eventually Jesus would die on a cross as payment for our sins (aka trespass). And that is the key part of the gift. It is not that Jesus was born, it was not that he lived, the gift was the salvation from sin provided by his death. The Bible says:

or in simpler terms

The gift is offered to everyone. Here is what the Bible says about that:

But just because God is offering the whole world a gift, does not mean that everyone receives the gift. If the gift is not accepted, then there is no gift. The Bible says:

The greatest gift of Christmas is Jesus Christ. But he is not a gift if you have not received him.

My hope this Christmas, if you have not already done so, is that you will accept God's gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. According to the Bible, Jesus is the only way:

God Bless You, and Merry Christmas.